The Leadership Circle Report: The Reveal!

The New Standard for Leadership Development

Insight that Accelerates Leader Effectiveness

When it comes to powerful, durable leadership development, training to competencies alone won’t stick over time and ends up with a weak ROI. For more rapid and lasting results, leaders must gain deeper insight into their behavior and what is driving it. How do you help leaders understand the relationship between how they habitually think, behave, and, more importantly, how it impacts their current level of leadership effectiveness?  The most direct way is to get frank, objective feedback (to compare with their own self assessment) with those who see them in action, such as their boss, boss’ boss, peers, direct reports, clients and so on.  The Leadership Circle feedback report even has an option for family and freinds to share what they see as well, because they can help with self awareness in a unique way.

Several areas must be measured to get a whole picture of leadership effectiveness:

  • LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES:  the very specific behaviours which lead to achieving results in the workplace e.g PDI, Lominger.
  • ASSUMPTIONS: the set of beliefs we each hold about self, others and how teams work which code the “why” a leader behaves in a certain way and ends up focusing on characteristic competencies in certain conditions e.g Emotional Intelligence, Hogan, FIRO-b.
  • STYLE TYPE and PERSONALITIES: and the tools to help understand the differences in our needs and how members communicate, respond, plan, contribute and impact others e.g. MBTI, DISC.


Combining these three areas leads to a more complete picture which has captured what’s going on, why it’s going on, and a pathway for positive change.  These leadership foundations can be summarised in two related dimension: Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies

Creative Competencies

Creative competencies contribute to a leader’s effectiveness. They measure key leadership behavior and internal assumptions that lead to high fulfillment, high achievement leadership. They are as follows:
• Caring Connection
• Fosters Team Play
• Collaborator
• Mentoring & Developing
• Interpersonal Intelligence
• Selfless Leader
• Balance
• Composure
• Personal Learner
• Integrity
• Courageous Authenticity
Systems Awareness
• Community Concern
• Sustainable Productivity
• Systems Thinker
• Strategic Focus
• Purposeful & Visionary
• Achieves Results
• Decisiveness

Reactive Tendencies

Reactive tendencies are self-limiting leadership behaviors. These dimensions reflect inner beliefs and assumptions that limit effectiveness, authentic expression, and empowering leadership. They are as follows:
• Conservative
• Pleasing
• Belonging
• Passive
• Arrogance
• Critical
• Distance
• Perfect
• Driven
• Ambition
• Autocratic

The Leadership Circle feedback report takes 25 min and reveals a leader’s operating system–our internal assumptions and beliefs that guide behavior and decisions.  This assessment is the only one which allows executives see directly how their inner world, and  translates that into awareness and more effective leadership within self and for others.

If you would like to learn more about having a 360 assessment, I would be happy to have a conversation about what might be the best fit for what you are looking for.

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