Teams with high-power leaders tend to be quieter and perceive the leader as uninterested in dialogue. Many of these leaders know poor communication lines hurt their team performance, yet still can’t change.

Q.1 The article mentions that negative leader power can be eliminated simply by communicating that every team member is individually instrumental to any task. When have you found this to be true, or not?

Q2. Assuming you wish to retain the negative high power leaders, what have you used to have them see the ‘WIFFM for them’ and urgency such that they personally get that they have to change?

Holiday Happiness…. and men :)

As happy celebratory wishes fill your inbox, I’d like to spice things up with a different type of happiness idea.

Rather than talk about the man-woman thing, I’d like to have re-orient us to our preferences.  For example, preople who are more relationally oriented will find themselves in different types of relationships that those who are not as connected. Since December celebrations tend to be about joy, warmth and reconnections, they usually involve relationships.
Below are some concepts which really opened my eyes about how men are wired.

Are Jim and Shaunti’s pointed comments below accurate for you?  When are they not?

Looking forward to your thoughts.
10 Things Guys Wish Women Knew About Men
By Jim Burns, HomeWord

Shaunti Feldhahn, a nationally syndicated newspaper columnist, author and speaker wrote a fantastic book,For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men. In it, she recounts the surprising truths she learned about men after interviewing more than 1,000 of them. I had the opportunity to interview Shaunti for our radio broadcast, HomeWord with Jim Burns. In our discussion, we spoke about 10 things guys wish women knew about men. I think you’ll find these 10 things fascinating! Even more, I believe that in understanding these issues, you’ll be equipped to lead your marriage to a better place!

1. Men would rather feel unloved than inadequate and disrespected.
Husbands need to know that their wives respect them both privately and publicly. Men thrive when they know that their wives trust them, admire them and believe in them. Shaunti Feldhahn’s research indicated that men would rather sense the loss of loving feelings from their wives than to be disrespected by them.

2. A man’s anger is often a response to feeling disrespected by his wife.
When a husband becomes angry with his wife, he may not come out and say, “You’re disrespecting me!” But, there is a good likelihood that he is feeling stung by something his wife has done which he considers disrespectful and humiliating.

3. Men are insecure.
Men are afraid that they aren’t cutting it in life — not just at work, but at home, in their role as a husband. They may never vocalize this, but inwardly, they are secretly vulnerable. The antidote? Affirmation. To men, affirmation from their wives is everything! If they don’t receive this affirmation from their wives, they’ll seek it elsewhere. When they receive regular and genuine affirmation from their wives (not flattery, by the way), they become much more secure and confident in all areas of their lives.

4. Men feel the burden of being the provider for their family.
Intellectually, it doesn’t matter how much or little a man makes, or whether or not his wife makes more or less money in her career. Men simply bear the emotional burden of providing for their family. It’s not a burden they’ve chosen to bear. Men are simply wired with this burden. As such, it is never far from their minds and can result in the feeling of being trapped. While wives cannot release their husbands from this burden, they can relieve it through a healthy dose of appreciation, encouragement and support.

5. Men want more sex.
Everyone’s natural response to this is probably, “Duh!” But, that response is probably for the wrong reason. We primarily assume that men want more sex with their wives due to their physical wiring (their “needs”). But, surprisingly, Shaunti Feldhahn’s research showed that the reason men want more sex is because of their strong need to be desired by their wives. Men simply need to be wanted. Regular, fulfilling sex is critical to a man’s sense of feeling loved and desired.

6. Sex means more than sex.
When men feel their wives desire them sexually, it has a profound effect on the rest of their lives. It gives them an increasing sense of confidence and well-being that carries over into every other area of his life. The flipside of this coin also carries a profoundly negative affect. When a husband feels rejected sexually, he not only feels his wife is rejecting him physically, but that she is somehow rejecting his life as a husband, provider and man. This is why making sex a priority in marriage is so incredibly important!

7. Men struggle with visual temptation.
This means the vast majority of men respond to visual images when it comes to women. And, this doesn’t just mean the guys with wandering eyes. Even the most godly husband cannot avoid noticing a woman who dresses in a way that draws attention to her body. Even if it is just a glance, these visual images are stored away in the male brain as a sort of “visual rolodex”; that will reappear without any warning. Men can choose whether to dwell on these images and memories or dismiss them, but they can’t control when these images appear.

8. Men enjoy romance, but doubt their skills to be romantic.
True, many men appear to be unromantic clods, but it doesn’t mean that they want to be that way! Men want to be romantic, but they just doubt their ability to pull it off. They are plagued by internal hesitations, perceiving the risk of humiliation and failure as too high. Wives can do a great deal to increase their husbands’ confidence in their romantic skills through encouragement and redefining what romance looks like. For example, a wife may balk when her husband asks her to go along to the hardware store, but it’s likely that he’s asking because he sees it as a time they can get away as a couple and hang out together. What’s not romantic about that?

9. Men care about their wife’s appearance.
This isn’t saying that all men want their wives to look like the latest supermodel. What men really want is to know that their wives are making an effort to take care of themselves (and not letting themselves go) because it matters to them (the husbands!). Husbands appreciate the efforts their wives make to maintain their attractiveness.

10. Men want their wives to know how much they love them.
This was the number one response of men. Men aren’t confident in their ability to express this, but they love their wives dearly. Men want to show how much they love their wives and long for them to understand this fact.

thank you for donating

Dear Friends

Your generous donation to Covenant House played an important role in raising $337,443 for our executive sleepout on the hard concrete of that east side back lane on Nov 21 2013.  It will fund the wrap around programs for 24 hours of love and support for 54 homeless youth.  It was freezing and we didn’t sleep much with beeping backup trucks and lights etc.  Can’t imagine how they think straight with back-to-back bad nights like that, and we had it easy.  We don’t get to choose our formative early childhood experiences.  If you or I experienced the neglect and abuse that they have, our lives would look different today.


Thank you for your heartening donation and for encouraging me to keep supporting programs that help kids to recover, make changes and step into being their best.